21st Century Fire and Emergency Services White Paper

In 2020, CPSE published a white paper exploring the 21st Century Fire and Emergency Services. Developed in partnership with the International City/County Management Association, the white paper identifies eight critical issues. The goal of the white paper was to have active city/county management and fire department experts come together to chart the course for the modern fire service.


The videos and handouts below provide a general overview of the white paper while also digging deeper into the individual critical issue areas.

White Paper Videos

  • 21st Century Fire and Emergency Services White Paper Intro
    CPSE CEO, Preet Bassi, provides an overview of the development of the ICMA-CPSE 21st Century Fire and Emergency Services White Paper and the 8 critical issues within.
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  • Issue A Overview and Case Study - Reidentification
    Mesa (AZ) Fire Medical Department shares their re-identification journey.
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  • Issue B Overview and Case Study - Culture
    CFAI Program Director, Karl Ristow, CFO, discusses Culture and the strategies and case study from the white paper.
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  • Issue C Overview and Case Study - Robust Use of Data
    Chief Micheal Despain, CFO, a member of the subject matter expert group that developed the white paper, shares the importance of the robust use of data.
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  • Issue D Overview and Case Study - Health and Wellness
    Broward (FL) County Sheriff’s Office Division highlights their multiple firefighter Health and Wellness initiatives.
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  • Issue E Overview and Case Study - Partnerships
    Rockford (IL) Fire Department along with their partner, Swedish American Hospital, discuss the development of the Mobile Integrated Health program.
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  • Issue F Overview and Case Study - Sustainability
    South Metro (CO) Fire Rescue shares their efforts related to sustainability through consolidation.
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  • Issue G Overview and Case Study - Technology
    Lenexa (KS) Fire Department provides an overview of their advanced use of technology to enhance operations.
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  • Issue H Overview and Case Study - Inclusiveness
    Hartford (CT) Fire Department discusses how they gain firefighter buy-in through firefighter empowerment.
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White Paper Handouts

  • 21st Century Fire & Emergency Services White Paper
    This white paper co-developed by the CPSE and the International City/County Management Association outlines 8 critical issues requiring immediate attention and action.
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  • Issue A - Reidentification Critical Issue Handout
    This handout outlines the initiatives and strategies related to re-identification and provides a case study of a department that has successfully addressed this critical issue.
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  • Issue B - Culture Critical Issue Handout
    This handout outlines the initiatives and strategies related to culture and provides a case study of a department that has successfully addressed this critical issue.
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  • Issue C - Robust Use of Data Critical Issue Handout
    This handout outlines the initiatives and strategies related to robust use of data and provides a case study of a department that has successfully addressed this critical issue.
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  • Issue D - Health and Wellness Critical Issue Handout
    This handout outlines the initiatives and strategies related to health and wellness and provides a case study of a department that has successfully addressed this critical issue.
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  • Issue E - Partnerships Critical Issue Handout
    This handout outlines the initiatives and strategies related to partnerships and provides a case study of a department that has successfully addressed this critical issue.
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  • Issue F - Sustainability Critical Issue Handout
    This handout outlines the initiatives and strategies related to sustainability and provides a case study of a department that has successfully addressed this critical issue.
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  • Issue G - Technology Critical Issue Handout
    This handout outlines the initiatives and strategies related to technology and provides a case study of a department that has successfully addressed this critical issue.
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  • Issue H - Inclusiveness Critical Issue Handout
    This handout outlines the initiatives and strategies related to inclusiveness and provides a case study of a department that has successfully addressed this critical issue.
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