CPSE University
Accreditation Handouts
Critical TaskingA handout to aid in conducting critical tasking for all emergency response types
Engaging StakeholdersA handout explaining how to engage stakeholders in the CRA/SOC process
Fire Department Strategic Plans and Community Master Plans: Are They The Same?A handout comparing and contrasting fire department strategic plan and community master plans
Writing the Four-Part AnswerA handout explaining development of the four-part answer for the self-assessment manual
Accreditation Videos
Introduction to AccreditationA webinar explaining the CFAI accreditation model and process
Introduction to Accreditation
New Registered Agency OrientationA webinar for new registered agencies explaining CFAI accreditation process
New Registered Agency Orientation
Writing the Four-Part AnswerA webinar explaining development of the four-part answer for the self-assessment manual
Writing the Four-Part Answer
Performance StatementsA webinar explaining development of performance statements
Performance Statements
Creating a Strategic PlanA webinar explaining the creation of a community-driven strategic plan
Creating a Strategic Plan
Developing Strategic Plan Goals and ObjectivesA webinar explaining how to develop effective goals and objectives for a strategic plan
Developing Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives
Executing a Strategic PlanThis presentation is designed to walk you through creating and executing your plan, including a lesson on pivoting when conditions in your community or within your own agency change.You must log in to access content.
Accreditation Model Category Videos
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